Abels Bay/Eggs and Bacon Bay Coastcare Inc

The Abels Bay/Eggs and Bacon Bay Coastcare Inc group aims to revegetate and maintain a continuous coastal reserve from Eggs and Bacon Bay through to Deep Bay. Work includes planting and erosion control, and planting out areas not naturally regenerating to create a continuous foreshore corridor between dwindling habitats on Abels Bay Road (Deep Bay to Egg and Bacon Bay). We have planting days to ensure that our coastal vegetation stays viable and healthy.

Volunteers welcome to join planting and plant care working bees. Working bees are on the last Saturday of the month for a few hours from 10:00am, followed by an informal meeting with cake/snacks and tea/coffee.

To find out when we meet next, look out for the sign at the corner of Channel Highway and Abels Bay Road, Deep Bay.






#landcare #revegetation #climate #environment #plants #friendsgroup #coastcare
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Abels Bay/Eggs and Bacon Bay Coastcare Inc

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