Bike She Oak Road along the Huon river from Judbury

A relatively flat gentle ride along a quiet dirt road beside the Huon River with expansive views to the Southern Ranges. After 2 km you can access the river and picnic.  Leave your car at the Judbury Community Centre, cross the bridge and She Oak road is the first on your right hand side.


Distance: 14 km return to the boom gate.

Suggested Time: 1 hour

Difficulty: Flat, dirt road with minimal traffic

Facilities: There are public toilets at Calvert Park, Judbury, as well as a playground and bbq.


Getting There

Drive to Judbury on the Glen Huon Road and park at Calvert Park.  Cycle back over the bridge and take the first road on your right hand side, She Oak Road. This road meanders close to the Huon River for about 7km to the boom gate.  Beyond this is private land.

Plan Ahead

Tasmania’s remote areas are beautiful however weather and track conditions can change suddenly. Mobile reception in many of these areas can be limited or non existent. These tracks are not Council owned or maintained.

Be prepared for the activity. Plan ahead, bring enough water, check the alerts, and make sure you are comfortable with the difficulty rating.

For more information, visit the following websites:

TasALERT – for fire, floods and other emergencies
Tasmanian Fire Service – for planned burns
Bureau of Meteorology
Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service – Safety in Parks

Leave No Trace is an internationally accepted way of minimising your impacts on the places we visit. Respect wildlife, be considerate of others, dispose of your waste properly.


Calvert Park, Judbury TAS, Australia
Why not visit?

Bike She Oak Road along the Huon river from Judbury

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