Paddle Charlotte Cove to Garden Island

Circumnavigating Garden Island by water craft gets you up close and personal to this privately owned wonder.  There is a sea eagle nest, pebble beaches and navigational aids to spot.

Not circling the island will reduce the trip to a more manageable 2 km return for those wanting to take it easy.

There are closer access points, like Garden Island Sands, but from Charlotte Cove the trip is accessible at all tides.

Distance: 7.5km return

Suggested Time: 2-3 hours

Difficulty: You are in open waters with changeable conditions.

Facilities: For closest facilities see ‘Local Facilities Map‘

Getting there:

Charlotte Cove on the Channel Highway between Cygnet and Middleton has a slipway.  You can see Garden Island from there.  The island is 1km away, but this is the closest, accessible at all tides, place to paddle to the island.

Plan ahead

Be prepared for the activity.  Plan ahead, always wear a life jacket, check the alerts, and make sure you are comfortable with the distance.

For more information, visit the following websites:

Leave No Trace is an internationally accepted way of minimising your impacts on the places we visit. Respect wildlife, be considerate of others, dispose of your waste properly.



Charlotte Cove Boat Ramp, Charlotte Cove Road, Charlotte Cove TAS, Australia
Why not visit?

Paddle Charlotte Cove to Garden Island

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