Country Women’s Association Ranelagh Branch

The Country Women’s Association is a women’s organisation that assist others in the community through fund raising and other charitable work as well advocating for change. Each year there is a charity that is supported by the organisation through fund raising actives and this year the chosen charity is The Smith Family. Other activities include collecting baby items for baby bundles for new parents and collecting toiletries and warm items for clients of Orange Sky Laundry (who support people experiencing homelessness).

The Ranelagh members, although small in numbers, work tirelessly to raise funds for charities. Any money raised goes towards worth while charities , such as Fred Hollows eyesight programme, Drs without borders, SES, Eldercare, Cancer research and many more. Members often knit for the State Welfare Box, Prem baby unit, Blankets for those in nursing homes, just to name a few.

Members of the CWA run the CWA market stall at 10 Wilmot Road, Huonville. We sell a good selection of cakes, slices, biscuits and scones- all homemade by our members. We also sell homemade jams and relishes, homegrown fruit and vegetables in season, flowers and free range eggs. Members also make handcrafted items such as knitted and crocheted children’s toys, and we have a great variety of knitted booties, beanies and jackets for babies and children. If you are after something for the garden, we sell some plants as well as beautiful bird houses and planters made by members of The Men’s Shed (Huonville).

The shop is only open on Fridays- 9 am until 2.30 pm. (Closed for 6 weeks over Christmas/ New Year break)

The Ranelagh branch of the CWA meet every second Tuesday of the month at 1.30 pm at the CWA shop in Wilmot Road, Huonville. New members are always welcome.

Contact- Jo Garner on 0400 368 939. More information can also be found on our Facebook page.





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Country Women’s Association Ranelagh Branch

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