Dover Foreshore Walk

A lovely family friendly stroll along the foreshore of the town of Dover, located in southern Tasmania.

The trail begins from Kent Beach, where there is a small area to park along Kent Beach Road. From here it’s a nice easy walk following the coastline past small beaches and old wharves, with a little pedestrian bridge across Dover Rivulet.

The coastal reserves around Dover provide habitat for native wildlife and support the growth of rare forest communities such as the White gum (Eucalyptus viminalis) and Blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) coastal forest and woodland. The Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor) is an endangered bird species which feeds and nests in these forests during the warmer months, September through to April.

The Dover foreshore is a great spot for a picnic, with a playground, walkways and barbeques.

This track is managed and maintained by Port Esperance Coast Care. Join the group for a working bee which often follows with a barbeque or a cuppa and cake.


Distance: 5.8km return

Suggested Time: 1 hour and 8 minutes

Difficulty: Grade 1. Easy, level gravel track.

Facilities: Seats, picnic tables, toilet, playground and barbeques

Access: 2WD accessible


Getting There:

On arrival in Dover, travel down Station Road and turn left on to Kent Beach Road. Parking is available on foreshore in front of children’s playground opposite the caravan park.


Plan Ahead

Tasmania’s remote areas are beautiful however weather and track conditions can change suddenly. Mobile reception in many of these areas can be limited or non existent. These tracks are not Council owned or maintained.

Be prepared for the walk or activity. Plan ahead, bring enough water, check the alerts, and make sure you are comfortable with the difficulty rating.

For more information, visit the following websites:

Leave No Trace is an internationally accepted way of minimising your impacts on the places we visit. Respect wildlife, be considerate of others, dispose of your waste properly.

Why not visit?

Dover Foreshore Walk

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