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Have you ever wanted to learn how to turn a wooden bowl, make a frame for a mirror, carve a duck decoy, or develop your woodworking skills? There is a workshop in Geeveston that can help you to achieve this.
GeCo Community Workshop is delighted to welcome you. Gain life skills or develop your hobby under the mentorship of one (or more) of our Shed Supervisors. We’re at 9B School Road in Geeveston directly opposite to Huon FM.
While we’re part of the Tasmanian Men’s Shed Association, we are open to all people over the age of 18. We have a dedicated Women Working with Wood session every Friday. The GeCo Community Workshop is open Monday to Friday from 10 AM to 3 PM, and most Saturdays we run workshops. Drop by and discuss your intended woodworking project with one of our supervisor.
There is a small amount of speciality craft timber and Radiata pine boards available to all, but if you have a larger project in mind we ask that you bring your own timber.
For additional information, contact the friendly team at the Geeveston Community Centre.
Geeveston Community Center, 9b School Road, Geeveston TAS 7116, AustraliaShare On