Rural Alive and Well (RAW)

Rural Alive and Well Inc. (RAW) is a Tasmanian not-for-profit organisation, building mentally healthy and resilient rural communities to reduce the prevalence of suicide.

RAW provides practical and tangible interventions, to promote positive mental health, reduce stigma, address situational stressors and provide access to specialist support services for people who traditionally hesitant to ask for help.

Client engagement through RAW Country is ‘non-clinical’ in style and presents as caring, confidential, non-intrusive, and available when and where the help is most needed.

RAW Country work with individuals, families and communities to build resilience and capacity to react to challenging life experiences.

Our Country workers will work alongside individuals by linking them in with support services, family and friends and providing non-judgemental, practical support.

RAW’s non-crisis phone support service is available 24/7, 365 days a year.

RAW Connect ensure that every caller has access to right support at the right time and this service assists individuals to navigate the complex maze of specialist and clinical support services available.

Huon Valley Worker – Ash – 0408 478 993  –  24/7 RAW Connect: 1300 4357 6283

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#rural #support #mental health #care


Huonville TAS, Australia

Operating Hours

24/7 RAW Connect
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Rural Alive and Well (RAW)

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