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Join a group of like-minded people to do things you enjoy. There’s no shortage of community groups in southern Tasmania for people who love games, gardening, living simply, history, learning and teaching new skills, or who enjoy helping others. Our Huon Valley communities attract vibrant, creative people – come and be part of it all.
Join a community group
Amnesty Southern group is our local Amnesty group, active in the Huon Valley and Southern Tasmania.
Southern Tasmanian coastcare group
Yearly eclectic festival in Cygnet & surrounds
Workshop for members to do woodwork, metal work, pottery, ceramics, and arts & crafts.
Cold water swimming at Big Roaring Beach, Surveyors Bay
Reading Together sessions at primary schools in the Huon Valley
Online Community Group
Suicide prevention network
Caring for coastal reserve from Eggs and Bacon Bay through to Deep Bay
Storytime and Rock & Rhyme group at the Cygnet Library
Landcare Friends group at Garden Island Creek